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icon <1K FaberQuencer 1.1

Last updated: October 20, 1997

Download URL:

3 mice  MacUser's rating: three out of five mice.

These are a bunch of extensions formerly bundled with Alessandro Levi Montalcini's award-winning KeyQuencer.

Alessandro later wrote his own versions because Binary Software wanted him to include the features in KeyQuencer itself, so you might want to stick with the extensions that come with KeyQuencer.

My extension KeyQuencer standard
BalloonHelp ToggleHelp
ChoosePrinter UsePrinter
Internet OpenURL
Shutdown Session
UnmountFO UnmountDisk

Turns on, off or toggles BalloonHelp

BalloonHelp on/off/toggle

Chooses a printer driver bypassing the Apple Chooser

ChoosePrinter ["Printer driver name"] [bkgOn/bkgOff/bkgToggle] [quiet] [continue]

(quick hack that needs further work; you cannot choose among networked printers)

Opens a valid URL via InternetConfig

Internet "URL" | clipboard [quiet] [continue]

With the following KQ macro:

Key cmd "c"
Internet clipboard

you have the InternetConfig launching power at your disposal.

Internet vs. ICeTEe 1.2b3 (ICeTEe is bundled with InternetConfig 1.3)

Restarts or shuts down the Mac by sending Apple Events to the Finder or At Ease

Shutdown restart/shutdown [autoConfirm] [noShutdownDelay] [quiet] [continue]

Unmounts a disk

UnmountFO "Disk name"/#number/clipboard [SCSI] [partial] [quiet] [continue]

(the weird name because Jim Walker and I had the very same idea the very same day)

This page was last built with Frontier on a Macintosh on Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 9:44:41 PM by
Fabrizio Oddone, [email protected]